‘Every Child Outdoors’ Garden

‘Every Child Outdoors’ Garden


The Every Child Outdoors (ECO) Garden is a place where farmers and scientists of all ages can explore 18 raised beds and a huge border of perennial vegetables, fruits, herbs, and native plants. This garden invites children to participate in all the steps of the real work of urban agriculture--planning, planting, trellising, weeding, harvesting, seed-saving, composting, and preparing the soil for next year. Kids have the chance to try unusual produce (kohlrabi! figs! ground cherries!) as well as appreciate how much better a homegrown tomato tastes than a grocery store one. Kids (and adults!) get to observe the relationships between plants, animals, birds, insects, soil, and humans, and practice the gifts of slowing down, noticing carefully, and being influenced by the rhythms and cycles of the natural world.