Discovery Packs

A New Way to Explore the Garden

We are excited to announce the addition of 5 Discovery Packs now available for checkout in the Visitor Center. These backpacks contain tools for nature exploration, scavenger hunts, field guides, picture books, craft supplies, and other thematic resources that will enliven the experience of the garden. Made possible with support from the Natalie Leach Haslam Fund of East Tennessee Foundation, the Packs are geared toward our youth visitors and their families, but we welcome all guests to check them out and enjoy.

Guidelines for Discovery Packs:

  • Packs are free to check out and require the use of a valid form of ID as a deposit while the pack is in use.

  • Packs are available on a first come, first served basis.

  • Each pack has an itemized list of its contents that should be returned to the Visitor Center when the visit is concluded.

  • We ask that packs be returned within 4 hours.

Here are the backpack themes currently available for use:




